We buy, sell, and trade used handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Inventory changes often so please stop in to see what's new, and sign up for our email list to receive updates!
Looking for something specific? Contact us and we'll be happy to place an order for you.
Customers may sells firearms at Rim Country Guns via consignment. The consignment fee is 20% of the final sale price. Firearms not sold after 90 days will be returned to the owner.
Rim Country Guns is an SOT. Please stop in or call for suppressors and short barreled rifles/shotguns!
Do you need maintenance, replacements parts, or upgrades on your Glock? We have a
Glock Armorer on staff to help!
We're partnered with an extremely talented gunsmith. Bring in your project guns or fixer-uppers and we'll have them repaired for you!
Items $300 and up can be placed on layaway. A 1/3 nonrefundable deposit is required, and the total price must be paid in full within 60 days. The deposit will be forfeited after 60 days.
$50 FFL Transfers. Please call for a copy of our FFL. Firearms not picked up after 30 days will become the property of Rim Country Guns. $40 transfer fee for Military, Veterans, Law Enforcement, First Responders, and CWP Holders.
Without further guidance from the ATF, we will refuse delivery of any braced pistol.
We are no longer accepting transfers for items that cost more than $5,000. To place an order for an item that costs more than $5,000, please visit us in store.